El Soldadito de Pavia
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Pegaso Models varias escalas

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Pegaso Models varias escalas Empty Pegaso Models varias escalas

Mensaje  teniente Dom Mayo 10, 2009 11:47 am

Listado de figuras Pegaso model de varias escalas, los precios son solo durante el mes de mayo o terminar con el stoc.
Las referencias que no estan en la lista las traemos a los mismos precios durante el mes de Mayo.
La entrega se puede realizar en Madrid durante los dias 23 y 24 de Mayo, pues participamos en el concurso de San Lorenzo del Escorial con un stan.

Pegaso 75mm PVP Mayo

75-22 Renaissance Knight in " Roman Armour" , XV century 36,00
75-23 Roman Gladiator " Secutor" 36,00
75-24 Germanic Warrior 36,00
75-25 Light Cavalryman of the 12th Regt. France 1.806 36,00
75-26 Officer of the Equites, End of III Century A.D. 36,00
75-27 Praefectus Classis 36,00
75-28 Trumpeter Major of 2º Lancer Guard 36,00
75-29 Pretorian Centurian 36,00
75-30 Hidatsa Warrior 36,00
75-31 Commander in Hannibal's Army 36,00
75-32 Roland at Roncisval 36,00
75-33 Boudicea Queen of Iceni 36,00

Pegaso 54mm PVP Mayo

54-205 Gold Digger, XIX century 26,00
54-206 Iroquois Warrior Sculpted by Gianni La Rocca 26,00
54-207 Imperial Guard, Empress´ Dragoons Officer, 1806-15 26,00
54-208 Roman Auxiliary, 1st century A.D. 26,00
54-209 Chasseur of the Imperial Guard, 1812-15 26,00
54-210 Comanchero, North America, 1860-70 26,00
54-211 Apache Warrior, 1860-80 26,00
54-212 Confederate Infantryman, 1862-65 26,00
54-213 Cow Boy with Winchester 26,00
54-214 42nd Royal Higlander Regt. " The Black Watch" , 1815 26,00
54-215 Sergeant Major of " Leib Batallion" , Duke of Brunswick, 1815 26,00
54-216 Confederate General, CSA 1863 26,00
54-217 Samurai, late Muromachi period (1333-1573) 26,00
54-218 Samurai Female Warrior (1600-1867) 26,00
54-219 American Natives, Sioux 26,00
54-220 French Revolution, Sans 26,00
54-221 Officer of the 1st Foot Guard Saint James Palace Company Grenadier. G.Britain 1808 26,00
54-222 Western Robber 30,00
54-223 Onondaga Warrior 25,00
54-224 Louis Brun de Villeret, ADC of Mareshall Soult 25,00
54-225 Crusader Knight in Holy Land 25,00
54-226 Gun Slinger 25,00
54-227 Mohawk Warrior 25,00
54-228 Duke of Brunswick Infantry Regt. 1.809 25,00
54-229 Ashigaru Azuchi-Momoyama Period 25,00
54-230 Absarokee Warrior (Crow) 25,00
54-231 Chinese General, Han Dinasty 25,00

Pegaso 90mm

90-25 Roman Centurian 1sr c BC 70,50
90-26 Polish Hussars officer France 1814 70,50
90-27 Crossbowman 15th c. 70,50
90-28 Samurai Warrior late Heian period 898/1185 70,50
90-29 Greek Strategos 5th c BC 70,50
90-30 Atila King of the Huns 70,50
90-31 Miles Christi, Crusader Knight 12th c. 70,50
90-32 Roman Gladiatorn Threax 70,50
90-33 Scillian Campiere 70,50
90-34 Ashigaru Arquebusier 1568-1600 70,50
90-35 Count Konrad Von Landau 70,50
90-36 Ivan IV Vasilievitch Grosniy 70,50
90-37 Samurai Warrior with " Nagiinata" , 1600-1867 70,50
90-38 Templar Sergeant, XIII century 70,50
90-39 Italian Knight 70,50
90-40 General Kato Kyomasa 70,50
90-41 2º Ss Panzer Div. "Das Reich" Francia 1.944 70,50

Un saludo
Castor Perez
605 87 08 81

Cantidad de envíos : 73
Fecha de inscripción : 10/12/2008

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